We act responsibly: the HORNBACH Values


We act responsibly: the HORNBACH Values

HORNBACH operates successfully in numerous countries across Europe.

We are convinced that we can only maintain our success if we consistently provide our customers with reliability, fairness, and quality. That is why HORNBACH makes sustainable economic activity the basis for its business policies. 

In 2004, we derived the HORNBACH Foundation from the clear system of values already practiced and lived by HORNBACH over several decades. The values on which this system is based are honesty, credibility, reliability, clarity, and trust in people. This model, characterized by the principles of the “reputable businessperson”, is the cornerstone of our corporate strategy, the standard to which all employees on all levels at HORNBACH adhere in their day-to-day work, and the basis on which we assume our responsibility towards society.  

The principles set out in the HORNBACH Foundation are specified in greater detail in the HORNBACH Values. It takes daily efforts and a sense of determination to actively live these values and enable them to become part of the corporate culture. The members of the Board of Management and other managers have to act as role models and collaborate with all employees to allow the HORNBACH Values to inform our everyday work. 

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State and society 

Meeting our responsibility to society 

HORNBACH is aware of its responsibility towards society. Compliance with laws, legal requirements, and internal regulations is assumed as a matter of course. This requires us to familiarize ourselves with the regulations applicable to our individual company department. We are aware of and meet our social responsibility towards individuals, society as a whole, and the environment. 

For us, this means that:

We observe and comply with laws, legal requirements, and internal regulations. 
We oblige our suppliers to ensure that their production and deliveries comply with the minimum social and ecological standards we have set. 
The products we sell conform to the relevant country-specific requirements and are of good quality. 

Managers and employees

Mutual respect and cooperation 

At HORNBACH, we attach great value to ensuring that our employees enjoy equality of opportunity. We reject all kinds of discrimination. We ensure constructive collaboration on a basis of mutual respect both within the company and in our external dealings.

For us, this means that:

We respect the cultural diversity, dignity, and private life of each individual. 
No one is disadvantaged, harassed, or favored on account of their gender, nationality, ethnic origin, skin color, religion or worldview, disability, age, or sexual orientation. 
Our dealings with each other are characterized by respect, team spirit, and cooperation – particularly in our behavior and actions towards our customers, colleagues, and managers. 
Management staff act as role models for cooperation based on mutual respect. 

Responsible handling of internal company information and company property

HORNBACH is an innovative retail company. We protect our competitive edge by treating internal company information responsibility. Protecting company property (e.g. against loss, damage, theft, misuse, and unauthorized use) is a matter of course for every HORNBACH employee.

For us, this means that:

Confidentiality is maintained about confidential information.
Such information is protected against unauthorized access by third parties. 
Company property is – as a matter of principle – only used for company purposes. 

Customers, suppliers, and competitors

Upholding fair competition

HORNBACH’s business policies are based on a commitment to fair competition and in particular to strict compliance with the requirements of cartel law. We rely here on performance, customer focus, and quality. We also expect our competitors to uphold these principles.

For us, this means that:

The requirements of competition law are complied with; in particular, no anticompetitive agreements (such as for retail prices) are entered into with competitors or suppliers.
Our employees immediately reject any anticompetitive conduct on the part of third parties (such as suppliers or competitors). 

Integrity of conduct

HORNBACH’s business decisions are not influenced by private interests or personal advantage. We do not tolerate corruption. Furthermore, we expect conflicts of interest, and even the mere appearance of such, to be avoided. Conflicts of interest may already arise when business relationships are maintained with another company in which a financial interest is held or at which a relative or friend directly or indirectly holds a material interest.

For us, this means that:

Business relationships are initiated or maintained solely on the basis of objective criteria, such as “quality”, “price” (costs), or “supply quality”.
Cash payments, material assets, or benefits in kind are neither requested nor accepted and neither offered nor granted.
We demonstrate with our own conduct that we neither tolerate nor support corruption. 
Private interests are strictly separated from HORNBACH’s interests and even the mere impression of any mixing of private and HORNBACH interests is avoided. 

Protecting data entrusted to us

At HORNBACH, personal data from customers, employees, and business partners is collected, stored, and used in accordance with the requirements of data protection law. To protect its customer data, HORNBACH has voluntarily imposed principles exceeding the requirements of data protection law. 

For us, this means that:

The requirements of data protection law are complied with.
The principles underlying our customer data policy are observed and applied. 

Providers of equity/debt capital

Transparent financial reporting and compliance with capital market regulations

HORNBACH enjoys a high degree of trust on the capital market. On the one hand, this is largely due to the company’s correct and transparent financial reporting. We safeguard this by completely, correctly, truthfully, and promptly recording and documenting all relevant business transactions. The basis for this is provided by a functional internal control system. On the other hand, compliance with capital market regulations is a matter of course for our company. 

For us, this means that:

Our accounting is consistent with legal requirements.
We report within the respective deadlines and in accordance with the relevant requirements. 
Information not publicly known that has the potential to significantly influence the market prices of HORNBACH’s securities is announced in ad-hoc releases. 
Insider information remains confined to that group of individuals required to have access to such information for operating reasons and who have been obliged to comply with the relevant legal requirements. 
Members of the Board of Management and Supervisory Board and persons closely related to such notify the company of transactions involving HORNBACH’s shares and financial instruments in accordance with legal requirements (“Directors’ Dealings”).